
Software Integrations

Enhance your current software investments with CloudCover's software integration features.


Technology License Management and Integration
Made Easy

Many of our customers have already made investments in technologies to help run their business, which is why CloudCover is designed to integrate with your existing software. Capitalize on your investment by extending its value through our maintenance management platform.

Enhance Your Software

From industry leading CRMs to the latest invoicing SOP’s, we purpose-build our solutions to connect and collaborate with the systems, data, and processes you and your customers are already using in your businesses.

Integrate and Connect

Our API integrations are designed to provide multiple synchronization options, ensuring you and your customers’ data is connected and kept up to date within your dashboards.

Reduce Licensing Costs

Get the most out of your current software licensing investments.

Extend the value of your current software or the software of your customers with CloudCover’s software asset management features (SAM). 

Use CloudCover to portal your data and analytics in and out without paying for additional user licenses. 

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Managed and Professional Services

Sometimes you just need the right person, right away. CloudCover can provide you with the skilled personnel you need to keep your business running smoothly. We offer a range of experts and global IT staffing augmentation including highly trained technical data center infrastructure and support staff to a variety of field engineers to meet your server, storage, and network needs.
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Learn and Explore

Tutorials, industry news, and much more.